26 | The Lion King
Redefining customer
experience with U-Direct
By Kemi Fashina
o I guess it’s no longer news that
e-Banking makes life easier. Who
hasn’t experienced what I call EPP
(e-products power) at some point? The
bliss of sending money from your phone
while caught up in some horrendous
traffic-jam to your cousin who is cash
strapped in Kafanchan; the smile on
your face when the courier guy delivers
the item you bought with your card on-
line or the sigh of relief when you simply
make that payment with the POS.
One could go on for years on end talk-
ing about the possibilities of e-banking
and why it is not a fad but a power tool.
Actually, this is clearly demonstrated
by taking a look at how the web space
has become the new Banking Hall with
U-Direct and how our experiences as
customers have been remodelled by
this transformation.
The New Look of Conveni-
U-Direct is user-friendly
From the log in session where you
are greeted with the aesthetically
enhanced landing page displaying
Product Review
diverse landscapes across cultures in Af-
rica to the easily navigable transaction
pages, U-Direct offers absolute conveni-
ence at every click.
The new look has been designed to
provide seamless integration of fea-
tures, better user interface and positive
experiences altogether. Not forgetting
that it is super smart, it analyses the
transaction profile of a Customer and
prioritises the frequently done trans-
action types such that they are easily
accessible. Incredible ingenuity!