The Lion King Magazine | July - September 2017 - page 55

July - September 2017 •
The Lion King
• 55
How it happens
When we are overwhelmed and feel that certain situa-
tions are out of our control, the stress hormone is activated,
wearing us down physically, reducing concentration and
adversely affecting our mental well-being.
Absolutely! While we are unable to control certain situa-
tions, our reactions determine whether we will diffuse stress
or increase it.
Here are a few tips to help you cope with stress in the work-
Chow healthy and get enough Zzzzz
We can’t say this enough; your diet can either energise
or weaken you. Eat breakfast as this gives you enough
energy to get the right start every morning. Also, not get-
ting enough sleep exacerbates stress because you’re not
getting the right refreshment that an adequate night rest
brings. Find the right sleep pattern and try as much as pos-
sible to stick to it.
Just breathe
Whenever you feel overwhelmed or upset, take a few min-
utes to breathe deeply. This can help you ‘reset’. Breathe
in for five seconds, hold and exhale through your nose. The
good thing is that you can do this while at your desk.
Break a sweat
No, we’re not talking about abandoning your desk to run
around the office in gym clothes. There are simple ‘desker-
cises’ you can indulge in without leaving your seat. If you
can leave your desk, engage in some stretching exercises
or take a brief walk to clear your head.
Get some audio vibe on
Music is therapeutic; it relaxes the brain and helps in dealing
with stress. It can also help you flow into your work. If your
workplace permits listening to music during working hours,
plug in your earphones and play some soft tunes.
Soak a bag
Among its many benefits, tea can lower cortisol levels in the
body which in turn reduces anxiety. If you’re a coffee per-
son, this can be hard to do but try it once in a while.
Managing stress is a highly personal undertaking and can
vary widely from person to person. While these tips are not
exhaustive, we believe they will help a great deal. Try them
out and find what works for you.
* Deoye Falade is a Content Executive at Avon Healthcare Ltd
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