The Lion King Magazine | July - September 2017 - page 50

50 •
The Lion King
• July - September 2017
Nancy MPIERE tells us about the ultra fashionable Congolese society.
remember one time some col-
leagues of mine from other African
countries were discussing the dress
code for an event we were to attend
together. Before I could chip into the
conversation, they told me: “You have
no problem, you are Congolese! You
are from ‘le pays de la sape’ so you
don’t need to think, it is natural.”
Yes, Congo (Brazzaville) is also famous
as “le pays de la SAPE”: the country
of SAPE.
The roots of the movement can be
traced back to the early 30s when
the first privileged Congolese returned
from France at the end of a long
stay, with wardrobes of dashing suits.
However, la SAPE as it is known today
appeared in the 70s in Bacongo, an
area of Brazzaville, through it kings
such as Djo Balard and some others.
Since then, La SAPE has grown to be
an integral aspect of the modern
Congolese culture.
La SAPE, practiced on the two sides
of the Congo River, is the acro-
nym for “Société des Ambianceurs
et Personnes Elégantes” (Society
of Ambiance-Makers and Elegant
People). It means “to dress with
elegance and style” in French. An
adherent of La Sape is known as a
sapeur. La SAPE is an informal soci-
ety, a world within a city, gathering
different clubs, bars and individuals
whose passion is the art of fashionable
apparel. The Sapeurs adhere to high
fashion. Branded suits are important
to them. They will do whatever it takes
to parade in Versace, Prada, Dolce &
Gabbana, Gucci, etc. and will hardly
wear the same outfit on the next
The passion is strong. La SAPE move-
ment is a fashion warfare: Brazzaville vs
Kinshasa, Bacongo vs Moungali. There
is a code of conduct in la SAPE: non-
violence, hygiene,manners, strict code
of honour. The Ten Commandments
of “Sapology" promote open-mind-
Photo Credit: Ilja Smets
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