The Lion King Magazine | April - June 2017 - page 63

April - June 2017 •
The Lion King
• 63
So florals are not going anywhere.
However just because florals are in,
doesn’t mean you should just wear
anything because it has a flower print.
There are some do’s and don’ts to
rocking the trend:
wear a big bold print.
Flowers are delicate but you
can make it bold and make
a statement with loud, bright colours
(hot pink, orange, violet etc.) and
large appliques.
it yourself. You
don’t always have
to break the bank
to rock a trend, why not
re-purpose an item you
already have. For example,
you can get the old head-
band you haven’t worn in
ages, stick some lovely flow-
ers on it (not real ones, that
would just be wasteful) and
you’re back on trend.
make it edgy. Pair your floral pieces with the unexpected and don’t
be afraid to mix and match patterns and materials. Wear a floral shirt
with striped pants (or vice versa). You can even wear two different
floral patterns, don’t be worried if they’re clashing, clashing can be fun
wear a floral
shirt. Pair one
with a nice blaz-
er and a pair of jeans/
trousers and you’re sum-
mer ready.
a floral
tie or
suspenders. A
nice floral tie or
suspenders with a
suit is a great way
to bring summer
to work. It’s hard
to go wrong here.
wear a floral suit.
Don’t be afraid
to wear floral
from head to toe but for
those who are why not try
a blazer with plain trousers
or vice versa to start?
pin a flower to your lapel
or breast pocket. Another
nice way to add a touch
of summer to your formal clothes.
go overboard. While
mixing different floral
patterns might work
out well, drowning yourself in various
floral patterns could end up making
you look haphazard (trying not to say
like a crazy person, but yeah, you will
look a little crazy)
While floral tailored
pants might look
good, floral joggers
will probably
make you look like
someone’s grandma.
wear floral headgear. This goes without saying but just
in-case, men please do not place any flowers whatsoever on
your head, that’s definitely for the women.
pick a drab print. Be
fun bright and bold,
don’t pick a print that
makes you look like you’re wearing a
curtain. Florals aren’t just for women,
men can also rock the trend and look
masculine and fashionable. Here are
some do’s and don’ts for the men as
Nkwo SS17 (credit:
Gloria Wavamunno SS17 (credit:
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