The Lion King Magazine | July - September 2014 - page 41

The Lion King | 41
muscles recover for a day between
How often should you
Aim for at least 30 minutes of moder-
ate-intensity activity “soldier walk” or
“brisk walking” for at least 5 days a
week. If you are just getting started,
slowly build up to that. Over time, you
can make your workouts longer or more
challenging. Do that gradually, so your
body can fully adjust. When you work
out, keep your pace low for a few
minutes at the start and end of your
workout. That way, you warm up and
cool down each time.
Exercise precautions
If you are not sure of your heart condi-
tion, seek your doctor’s opinion before
you start to exercise. Also, in exercising,
stop and rest if you feel weak, tired, diz-
zy, light-headed, or if you feel pressure
or pain in your chest, neck, arm, jaw,
or shoulder. You should also stop if you
have any trouble breathing.
It is normal for your muscles to be mildly
sore for a day or two after your work-
out when you are new to exercise.
That fades as your body gets used to
it. Soon, you might be surprised to find
that you like how you feel when you are
helps reduce stress,
increase flexibility and ease the
lower back pain that occurs as a
result of long hours of seating.
is one of the easiest ways
to blast calories and boost your
cardiovascular system. It also
helps shape your butt, thighs and
calf muscles!
Lifting Weights
is a good way to
build strength and balance. It
enhances your body metabolism
and improves your bone density.
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