The Lion King Magazine | April - June 2013 - page 40

40 | The Lion King
t is unlikely that you would
sit down with me for 2 min-
utes without me launching a
spirited conversation on the joys
and benefits of riding a bicy-
cle. Why is it that less than 1% of
workers own a bicycle? Why is it
that many have never contem-
plated riding a bicycle to foster
good health, to guarantee their
physical fitness or even for per-
sonal transportation from home
to work. Did I hear you say, “God
forbid!” on the last suggestion
of using a bicycle for personal
transportation. Lol!
Without actually taking the first
step of owning a bicycle and
actually riding it, the countless
joys, benefits and opportunities
associated with cycling would
elude you completely. Don't
miss out on this opportunity to
take up a life-changing interest.
So, go get a bicycle, get on the
bicycle, ride the bicycle and we
would take it from there.
Here are the good points I need
to address, as I can sense some
concerns. Firstly, it is not too
late. Anyone can learn to ride
a bicycle, at any age, at any
weight, and at any status. As
long as you can see and have
two legs, you can ride. Your
bum might hurt initially and you
may fall down a couple of times
(wahala), but all you need to do
is get up and continue. I remem-
ber once, somewhere in Lagos,
The First Step…
By Bili Odum
Bicycle Culture
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