44 •
The Lion King
• July - September 2015
slight change in
affect the effective-
ness of the entire organiza-
tion. This may be hard to
believe but research has
shown that attitudinal change
can have either a positive or
negative impact on organiza-
tional effectiveness.
In social psychology, attitude
is a positive or negative evalu-
ation of thoughts. This simply
means that attitude defines
how negative, positive,
neutral or favourable one
feels about someone,
something, or situation.
On the other hand,
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l
effectiveness can
be said to be the
concept of how
efficiently an
achieves its
set objec-
An organization is effec-
tive when matters con-
cerning the organiza-
tion, especially those
related to its set goals
and professional ethics
are approached with the
right attitude.
The idea of organization-
al effectiveness is impor-
tant for financial institu-
tions due to its unchang-
ing competitive nature.
This fact exists because
financial institutions share
similar products and render
almost the same kind of servic-
es. A positive change in attitude
is a kind of innovation that would
create superior, unique, competi-
tive edge that can place one institu-
tion at an advantage over the others.
Positive attitudinal change creates
such a positive impact on people,
helping create the momentum need-
ed to turn the fortunes of an organiza-
tion around.
The idea of orga-
nizational effec-
tiveness is impor-
tant for financial
institutions due
to its unchanging
competitive nature
| Productivity
By Ifeoma Ozougwu
a firm’s