Elmina Castle
(also called the Castle of St. George) is located on the Atlantic
coast of Ghana. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Cannons overlooking from Cape Coast Castle, a fortification near Elmina.
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The Lion King
• April - June 2015
7 African Places
To Crush on
This Summer
| #SummerCrush
1. Elmina, Ghana
Get some education in history by visit-
ing Elmina Castle, Ghana, this summer.
Elmina was erected by the Portuguese
in 1482. The oldest European building in
existence below the Sahara, it was the first
trading post built on the Gulf of Guinea.
It was first established as a trade settle-
ment but the castle later became one of
the most important stops on the route of
the Atlantic Slave trade. About 12 million
Africans walked through “the door of no
return” into slavery from the Elmina Castle.
It is a great place to be this summer.