The Lion King | 55
Quotable Quotes
He who would be a leader must pay
the price in self-discipline and moral
restraints. This details the correction and
improvement of his personal character,
the checking of passions and desires and
an exemplary control of one’s bodily
needs and desires.
Haile Selassie
“Stories can
break the dignity
of a people. But
stories can also
repair that broken
Chimamanda Adichie
“Those of us placed in
a position of leadership
must be prepared to
grasp the nettle if we
unite in doing so, and
if, in addition, we set a
worthy example and
a marat on pace in
probity, unselfishness,
and self-sacrifice, the
people will follow, all
too readily, in our foot-
steps. “
Obafemi Awolowo
“Our children
may learn about
heroes of the
past. Our task is
to make ourselves
architects of the
Jomo Kenyatta
“The forces that
unite us are intrinsic
and greater than
the superimposed
influences that keep
us apart.”
Kwame Nkrumah
“It is better to lead
from behind and to
put others in front,
especially when you
celebrate victory
when nice things
occur. You take the
front line when there
is danger. Then peo-
ple will appreciate
your leadership.”
Nelson Mandela