The Lion King | 29
News Round Up
n furtherance of the Bank’s
Corporate Social Responsibility
initiative, “Read Africa” Project,
UBA Ghana has donated copies of
‘Weep Not Child’ a literature book
authored by the renowned African
writer Ngugi Wa Thiong’O to select
schools in Ghana.
Senior executives of the Bank
including Mr. Charles Odonkor,
Mrs. Nelly Abotchie, and Mr. Jones
Darmoe, all Regional Directors of
UBA Ghana, visited the various
schools to mentor the pupils.
Speaking during one of such
mentoring sessions, Mr. Charles
Odonkor while presenting the
books to students of the New Star
Academy advised them to take
their reading very seriously as it is
the only way by which Africa can
bridge the gap with the Diaspora.
He said “as pupils, your future will
be determined and shaped by the
quality of books you read today
hence the need to pay serious
attention to reading for a brighter
BA Zambia and the Chartered Institute
of Management Accountants (CIMA)
Zambia on Wednesday, February
13, 2013 at the UBA Zambia Head office
in Lusaka signed a Memorandum of
Understanding on the use of UBA Africard
which is a Visa enabled prepaid card.
The partnership with CIMA Zambia enables
all registered CIMA students get the card
at a subsidized rate. It also ensures reliable
and secure payments for subscription and
examination fees online. UBA prepaid card
has an online platform that helps students
monitor their payments as well as balance
on their cards.
At the event were CIMA Country Manager,
Kennedy Msusa and UBA Zambia MD,
Stanley Ugwueze.
UBA Ghana
Books to
UBA Zambia and
CIMA Zambia
Partner on Africard
L-R: Country Manager, Chartered Institute of Management
Accountants (CIMA) Zambia, Kennedy Msusa and MD, UBA
Zambia, Stanley Ugwueze
Mr. Richard Ful ler, a Member of Parl iament for Bedford, UK addressing participants at
the breakfast forum for Smal l and Medium Enterprises
UBA Holds Breakfast
Forum for Small and
Medium Enterprises
BA on February 11, 2013 hosted various
stakeholders, including owners of small businesses
and would-be entrepreneurs to a Breakfast Forum
to discuss opportunities, challenges and funding issues
regarding Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). More
importantly the forum outlined mechanisms our Bank has
developed in addressing these challenges and ensuring
growth in their businesses.
The meeting which held at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Victoria
Island, Lagos had as its theme: ‘Building a solid industrial
base through Small Business financing in Nigeria’. It was
organised by the Bank’s Directorate of Consumer Banking
and UBA Capital (Europe).
The forum offered an opportunity for participants to
learn, exchange ideas and network with other similar
business and individuals as well as identify additional
resources that would aid their business and sustain a
mutually beneficial relationship with UBA.
The Guest speaker at the Forum was Mr. Richard Fuller a
Member of Parliament in the UK.