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The Lion King
• April - June 2015
Fraud and unethical practices diminish customers’ con-
fidence, discourage patronage, and impact negatively
on performance and profitability.
As a way of curbing fraud and unethical practices,
banks have put in place whistle blowing mechanisms
for anonymous tip offs. The Central Bank of Nigeria
(CBN) actually mandates all banks to have a whistle
blowing framework in place. Our whistle blowing policy
is robust and fashioned after the guidelines set by the
apex bank.
All cases are confidentially handled and thoroughly
investigated. Our policy provides adequate protection
to Whistle Blowers and rewards substantiated cases.
As we commence the second half of the financial
year, I encourage all staff to continue to work diligently
and not to conceal fraud or any unethical practice in
whatever form.
I therefore enjoin you to make use of our whistle blowing
window and be assured that all reported cases will be
investigated, recommendations implemented, offend-
ers sanctioned in line with policy and the lessons learnt
Thank you.
Phillips Oduoza
Financial Institutions thrive on reputation,
therefore fraud and unethical practices are
some of the biggest threats being faced by the