The Lion King Magazine | October - December 2013 - page 17

The Lion King | 17
Rewire Your Responses
About Money
he starting point of achieving
financial independence is to
discipline yourself to rewire
your attitude toward money. You
need to reach into your sub-
conscious mind and disconnect
the wire linking “spending” and
“happiness” and replace it with
the “saving and investment” wire.
Instead of saying, “I feel happy
when I spend money”, you need
to say, “I feel happy when I save
To reinforce this shift in think-
ing, open a “financial freedom
account” at your local bank.
This is the account in which you
deposit money for the long term.
Once your money goes into this
account, you resolve that you
will never spend it on anything
except the attainment of finan-
cial freedom.
If you want to save money to
buy a house or a car, you open
a separate account solely for
that purpose. But your financial
freedom account is “untouch-
able”. You should never touch it,
except to invest for a higher rate
of return.
Associate happiness with saving
When you begin saving, some-
thing miraculous happens
within you. You start to feel happy
about the idea of having money
in the bank. Even if you opened
your account with only N100,
this action gives you a feeling of
greater self-control and personal
power. You feel happier about
yourself. The very act of disci-
plining yourself to save money
makes you feel stronger and
more in control of your destiny.
Each time you get extra money,
put it into your financial free-
dom account. As your financial
freedom account grows, you
activate two laws: the laws of at-
traction and accumulation.
The law of accumulation says
that “every great achievement is
the accumulation of many small
achievements”. The law of attrac-
tion says “you attract into your life
those things that are in harmony
with your dominant thoughts”.
Because of these laws, your
financial freedom account be-
gins to grow with the magic
of compound interest.
The more money you have
in your account, the more
money it generates and the
more money is attracted
into your life. You have
heard it said that “it takes
money to make money”. This
is true. As you begin to save
and accumulate money,
the universe begins to direct
more and more money
toward you that you can
save and accumu-
who has ever practiced this prin-
ciple of regular saving is abso-
lutely astonished at how quickly
their financial fortunes change
for the better.
By Gabriel O.Odang
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