The Lion King | 39
LK Sports
also desks in school and sometimes
right on the corridor with our make shift
bats (paddles) and a white, yellow or
orange ping-pong ball ready and set
to play the game of table tennis at
all cost in the absence of a standard
table tennis board. When we do get to
play on a standard Table Tennis board,
it’s hurray!
It was real fun while it lasted; you could
see the passion for the sport, the joy
of victory and the agony of defeat all
happening in a non competitive mood.
This has set the tone for this edition’s
sports; Table Tennis.
Table Tennis in the early nineties was a
typical street sport in Nigeria and most
African countries but the game was
gradually eroded by the introduction
of snooker. However, table tennis has
retained its class and swag.
It is a simple sport between two to four
persons. The games are played as
either single or double games.
You need a standard table tennis
board, fully equipped with a net and
paddles. The board comes in three
basic standard colours; green, which is
most popular in Africa, Blue or purple.
The board can be placed in a free
open space outside your home; it
could be in the car park, by the street
side or at a sport facility like the sta-
dium. It is not too expensive to afford
and maintain.
It is a family sport that can be played
amongst family, neighbours, friends
and colleagues. It is also a simple
relaxation sport that can be played in
the day or at night under good lights
with few cheerleaders or even without
The sport sharpens your reflexes, aids
your balance, improves blood circula-
tion and provides some form of aero-
bic exercise. It a holistic sport which
involves the movement of the whole
body in response to serves from the
Before you attempt to challenge any-
one with a skill level that is intermediate
or better, it would be wise to practice.
Playing with someone else who is just
beginning is the best way to improve
your game, and then you can begin to
challenge others who also have some
skill at the game.
You have to practice and maintain eye
contact and always follow the ball with
your eyes.
Stay low and fast. Keep your paddle
in a horizontal position, and try and hit
the ball so that it stays low, while mak-
ing it over the net at the same time.
Each game goes to 11 points, in a best
2 out of 3 series. A player must win
by 2 or more points, or else the game
The serve alternates after every 2
points scored, except in overtime,
where each player alternates 1 serve
If a third game is played, the play-
ers will switch sides after 5 points are
It is not uncommon in recreational play
to see games go to 15, or 21 points.
Series may even go to best of 5, or 7
games depending on where you play.
In such cases, the serve alternates after
every 5 points scored in most cases.
After every game the players will
switch sides, and the losing opponent
of the first game will serve first the sec-
ond game.
Once a game reaches the potential
final point, the loser will always serve
the ball.
Have fun, keep practicing, you will get
better, and be able to compete with
other players, family, colleagues and
friends while enhancing a healthy work
life balance.
Compliments of the season and see
you in the next edition.