Page 2 - The Lion King Magazine January - March 2013

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Dear Colleagues,
Following on from the previous instalment of the
Culture Brief Series on “Pushing Boundaries”, I
would like to focus this edition on “Continuous
“The Only Thing Constant Is Change”
These are the famous words of Heraclitus, the Greek
philosopher, and they are still as relevant today as
they were all those years ago. We live in a world in
constant flux marked by rapid changes in macro-
economic trends, technological advancement,
demographic shifts and changes in social attitudes.
These changes not only impact us collectively as a
Bank but also individually in our respective personal
As the world constantly changes around us, so
do the needs and expectations of our customers,
regulators and other key stakeholders. I strongly
believe if these changes are properly harnessed,
they can be converted to opportunities for
the Bank. This will involve all of us embracing
change and the key to doing so is by embracing
CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT limits the negative
impact of change as it is a more proactive way to
manage change. This is because capabilities are
continuously being strengthened. Therefore, when
the storms of change come, we are better able to
weather them.
In the previous edition of this series, I emphasised
the fact that, “Business as usual will not suffice” if
the Bank is to achieve the aspirations of Project
Alpha. What this means is collectively as an
organisation and individually as people we do
not rest on our laurels but instead constantly seek
ways of improving our business and ourselves.
This can include devising better ways to meet our
customers’ needs, win new business or developing
new skills which will assist you in the delivery of
your responsibilities. In an ever changing world,
being static is not an option. We must remain open
to change and be adept at distilling the winds of
change around us in order to convert these threats
to opportunities. Reclaiming our leadership position
in the industry will not be achieved by maintaining
the status quo but by ensuring we are ahead of the
competition in all aspects of our business.
I firmly believe we are making great strides in this
area and with everyone focussing on CONTINUOUS
IMPROVEMENT we will be able to achieve the goals
we have set for ourselves.
I wish you all the best in your endeavours
Thank you.
Phillips Oduoza,
limits the negative
impact of change
as it is a more
proactive way
to manage