Page 11 - The Lion King Magazine January - March 2013

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The Lion King | 11
expectations of people/leader-
ship and align these expecta-
tions with value contributions to
the goals of the organisation.
As a result we need a better way
to say…(Our People, Our Great-
est Asset) ….a way that does
not fall foul of the arguments
above. I do not believe there is
a strong case for assuming that
other assets maintain their value
without the employees to put
them to work ...“ah yes, people
may be our greatest asset, but
the wrong person can also be
our greatest liability’
It is therefore apposite to align
our core values with our culture
to provide a vision of how we
must perform to be the best for
our stakeholders, our customers,
our staff and our investors.
Integrating Our Values
Our core values reflect basic
beliefs we must embrace to
succeed in making our people
our greatest asset. Our core
values are linked:
Humility - people deliver value
to customers in a humble and
courteous manner; Empathy –
we empathize with our custom-
ers to bring growth to the
business; Integrity – increases
growth and offers opportunities
to our people while Resilience –
ensure flexibility and toughness
for sustainability and profitability.
It is the responsibility of our
leaders to find the right balance
between the values and align
Our Greatest Asset
Our goal is to establish an inclu-
sive workplace that energizes
the people who fuel the organi-
sation’s growth. We must have
engaged, committed and
productive people who add
value to the business and focus
on hiring the best, keeping the
best, and continually improv-
ing the skills and capabilities of
individuals and teams.
Engaged people drive customer
loyalty and are at the heart of
the relationship model. So we
must measure our success by
the extent to which we engage
every person such that every
role is performed with excel-
lence by having the right people
(those with the right talents, skills,
and knowledge) in the right
roles (those required to meet
our customer ‘needs) with the
right leaders (those who model
leadership behaviours and
who recognize, support, and
challenge their people).
The reality is that the demands of
our customers and the recurring
nature of the business create
constant shifts, making guaran-
teed job stability impossible.
While we do our best to create
as much job stability as we can,
what we offer is a relationship
based on mutual benefit. We
strive to engage people to earn
their loyalty and trust. We want
to be the organisation of choice
with a relationship-based model
where all parties clearly benefit.
Working Together as Partners
A mutually beneficial relation-
ship requires a business partner-
ship with our staff/people. We
know that to succeed we will
require engaging our people
broadly and openly share infor-
mation with a relentless commit-
ment to our vision, values and
expectations. While our staff/
people will require uniting/
bonding within one another and
driving the business to succeed
whilst simultaneously taking
responsibility for identifying and
fulfilling their career needs.
This relationship has to be based
upon fulfilling the key expecta-
tions of the staff/people and our
What do we expect from our
Delight customers and exceed
their expectations through high-
quality and innovative services.
• Demonstrate a sense of
urgency: enhance results
using imagination, speed and
• Contribute to our profitabil-
ity: complete assigned work
within budget, on schedule
with high quality standards.
Perform at our very best and
demand the best from others.
• Teamwork: Be a team player,
share ideas, give and get
help whenever needed.
People are definitely a compa-
ny’s greatest asset. It doesn’t
make any difference whatever
the products/services are, an
organisation is only as good as
the people it keeps. Employees
are a company’s greatest asset
- they’re our competitive advan-
tage. We want to attract and
retain the best; provide them
with encouragement, stimu-
lus, and make them feel that
they are an integral part of the
organisation’s mission.