Page 8 - The Lion King Magazine January - March 2013

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8 | The Lion King
or this unique and accomplished
gentle man, growing up was quite
interesting with its challenges, but
with God, steadfastness and hard work,
he was able to pull through. He owes his
success and gratitude to God bringing
him this far in life. With a first degree in
Demography & Social Statistics from
Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife and
a Master of International Economics and
Management (MIEM) from SDA Bocconi
School of Management Milan, Italy and
as part of MIEM program, he was also at
the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth
College, Hanover New Hampshire,
United States.
For over fifteen years, he acquired
extensive professional experience in
financial services and telecommunica-
tion sectors. His key areas of specializa-
tion include retail banking, strategy
& business transformation, financial
advisory and investment banking.
As an economist, business strate-
gist and capital market special-
ist, he has worked in financial
institutions both home and
abroad, including Africa De-
velopment Bank, Tunisia.
In UBA, he has been
engaged in a series of
business incubation, re-
engineering and transfor-
mation assignments. He
played a key role in devel-
oping the corporate strat-
egy for UBA Retail Financial
Services – the platform for UBA’s
retail banking and consumer finance
business at some point in time.
He is the man saddled with the responsi-
bility of coordinating Project Alpha; join
us as we present to you Olusegun Opal-
eye - Project Alpha Coordinator.
Project Alpha Coordinator