Page 23 - The Lion King Magazine April - June 2012

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Country Focus
had fought against
the Portuguese in
the 19th century. In
1962 Machel joined
the Front for the Lib-
eration of Mozam-
bique or FRELIMO,
as it was called by
most. FRELIMO was
dedicated to creat-
ing an independent
1963 Samora Ma-
chel left Mozambique and travelled to several other
African nations where he received military training.
In 1964 he returned to Mozambique and led FRE-
LIMO’s first guerrilla attack against the Portuguese
in northern Mozambique. Machel spent most of his
time in the field with his men, leading them in com-
bat and sharing their dangers and hardships. By 1970
Samora Machel became commander and chief of
the Frelimo army. He believed in guerrilla war and
Frelimo’s army established itself among the poor in
Mozambique’s. He was a revolutionary who was not
only dedicated to throwing the Portuguese out of
Mozambique but also radically changing the soci-
ety. He said, “of all the things we have done, the
most important - the one that history will record as
the principal contribution of our generation - is that
we understand how to turn the armed struggle into
a Revolution; that we realized that it was essential to
create a new mentality to build a new society.”
The Central Railway
Station in Maputo
Marble pillars, wrought iron work,
great attention to detail and a
massive central dome. Sounds like
a palace doesn’t it? Well it’s the old
Central Railway Station.