Page 15 - The Lion King January - March 2012

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they could get the job done without a
proper harnessing of job skills and func-
tions? It would amount to a rendezvous
of discordant tunes.
Creating an effective team has always
been a challenge of every organization
but every institution strives to leverage
on the efficacy of formidable team play
for desired cohesion and delivery of ser-
In the team building structure, it is im-
perative that there must be strong lead-
ership to drive the objective of bonding
to its logical conclusions. Strong leader-
ship is necessary to motivate and inspire
team members to achieve deliverables.
It is the kind of leadership that embodies
the aspirations and expectations of the
team and can translate its appeal into
unspoken possibilities. The head of a de-
partment must be a strong moderating
influence in the integrating process of
his team. It is pertinent to emphasize the
quality of leadership of a team because
a potentially flawed leadership would
negate all that team building stands for.
A lot of us are no strangers to team
bonding structures as it were. We have
all been involved in social networking
either by our interactions in the church-
es or social clubs. As Africans, our very
first encounter of team work starts from
the family unit with a father figure tow-
ering above us all. After that, we now
begin to experience more graduated
and sophisticated forms in society as
our interactions deepen.
Communication is key in the team
building process. Team building helps
improve communication and engen-
der an atmosphere of conviviality in
the work place. In house get –together
like TGIF nourishes the convivial atmo-
sphere in bonding. Recently, we had
a ‘jogging to bond’ exercise which
underscored the merits of team spirit.
Colleagues mingled freely in an idyllic
ambience in spite of the heavy down-
pour and it was really a day to reflect
on and look forward to again.
The prospect of motivation in team
building is very high as all members of
a work team get to know each other,
sharing perspectives and expectations
about work experience. As we also en-
gage in effective collaboration, we are
able to learn more about each other’s
strength and weaknesses.
Though typical work environments
tend to focus on personal goals with re-
ward and recognition, singling out the
achievements of individual employees,
it is imperative to note that no amount
of academic theorization can justify a
one man presentation when juxtaposed
with a well articulated team delivery.